Holiday Challenge Follow-Up & Stats
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A retail store with sale signs

Seasons Greetings! How did your shopping go with an introspective perspective? To recap, these were the questions from the previous blog:

  • Have you walked into a new store you've never been in? If yes, how come? Did a sign catch your eye? Did it smell good? Did the atmosphere seem appealing? Was it next to another store you were going to? Was it on your way back to your car?
  • Have you gone inside a store you weren't planning on attending? If yes, what made you decide to take the time to stop? A sign? Notice something about a sale? Did you remember an ad you saw? Did you remember an item you own that you enjoy and either need another one or want to give it to someone else?
  • When entering stores, where in the store were you drawn to first? Try to really think: what drew you to that part?
  • Did you make an additional last second purchase while at the register? Why?
  • Did you find a sign that caught your eye? Why? Color? Placement? Wording? Message?

What did you discover while thinking about this? Were there new stores you walked into? Did you pay attention to different signage? Did digital signage catch your eye more than traditional signage? Did you read and then ignore signage because you thought about it and didn't want to give in to the marketing strategies?

Well, let's list some statistics here:

  • 68% of American consumers made a purchase because a sign caught their interest (FedEx).
  • On average, one additional on- premise sign resulted in an increase in annual sales revenue by 4.75% (FastSigns).
  • 75% of Americans told someone else about a business as reaction to their signage (FedEx).
  • 68% believe that signage reflects the quality of their business and product (FedEx).
  • 1 in 5 people made an unplanned purchase after seeing an ad via digital signage (SignStx).
  • 44% of the market actively visits retailers who enhance the shopping experience with technology (SignStix).

Signage plays a big role in the buying process. Like we said in the previous blog, buyers will spend money that they aren't anticipating on spending. Convenience and signage play a big role in there. If you're looking to boost sales, grab another sign or update your signage! Contact us today!

Merry Christmas!

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