Green Initiatives
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Thomas Printworks is committed to supporting our community and our environment by establishing sustainable practices within our own business as well as giving you ways to manage and distribute your information without the use of paper. Here are some of the ways that we’re thinking greener:


  • Using renewable energy where available
  • Printing on recycled bond paper
  • Using recycled binding materials
  • Using recycled and reduced packaging
  • Recycling paper and helping customers to recycle theirs
  • Encouraging customers to take advantage of electronic invoicing


  • Installing motion-sensing light controls in our facilities to save energy
  • Purchasing hybrid cars for pickups and deliveries
  • Using Energy Star compliant equipment

Online Document Management with ReproMAX DFS

  • Online viewing and ordering
  • Printing only the plans that are needed
  • Digital distribution
  • E-closeout

On-Site Services

  • Eliminates the need for pickup and delivery
  • Most equipment placed is Energy Star compliant

Energy Star

A joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Star helps people and businesses save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

U.S. Green Building Council

USGBC’s web site is chock full of resources geared toward building green, including details on how to become LEED certified.

Environmental Protection Agency

The web site of the EPA

Earth 911

A wealth of information for the environmentally conscious.

US Forest Stewardship Council